Dont cry for me......when a loss becomes a plus Part 3


It was an exceptionally cold Saturday morning, I spent extra time in bed I kept rolling, and wishing I could get breakfast in bed. I had a strange feeling, that feeling you have when you think it's someone's birthday and you cannot figure out who it is, I decided not to try to think , I felt terribly blank.

  I toyed with my phone and realized I had so many messages ,one of them were from a number not on my contact list  . ‘Today is the d-day of  my performance wish me luck ‘

it was from Zara I understood why I was feeling that way, I replied the text message

‘ what time is it’  after a while got a reply 10 a.m.

 Yeah zara told me it was going to be at the Piano Centre, Ikoyi, I checked my schedule and realized I didn't have much on my to-do list, I wanted to surprise her, so  I got to the piano Centre at about 10 a.m.

 And quietly sat amidst  the large crowd, a lot of children came out to perform , it was an excellent outing . Zara was the last person to perform , people must have expected  so much from her, based on her personality, she played all her songs excellently and when it was time for her to play ‘mum was my hero’  she dedicated it to me.

‘ I'd like to dedicate this song to a new friend I just found, she helped me with the song’

 I felt so deep about this,  closing  my eyes  I imagined being behind her and playing the song with her and when she got to the last line I sang it so  deep people could not but observe my love for the song.

 A large round of applause ushered her off the stage of play,  finally the Show had come to an end.

 I walked into the audience slowly as I observed zara, she looked into the crowd she was looking for somebody and when she saw me I could see light in her eyes.

‘I knew you would show up, I was too sure’

Zara hugged me so passionately she cried , journalist took  their turns in capturing the Moments we were hugging I wheeled  her to the car, and we had so much to talk about he was all excited as she gisted me.

I handled that the bucket of chicken I bought for her ,she smiled I told her it was time to go and she made me promise I was going to see her in the next 2 days.  As I settled in my car I felt like a mother who are turn up for her daughter, I wonder why George was not around, but then I was not surprised knowing the kind of person George was, he  must have been in the hands of another woman. As I made to leave the piano Centre, a  message dropped in my phone

Zara’s  dad sent me a picture of me and zara hugging and then he  sent a very terrible message

‘do you really have to go this far  just to get at me?  I smiled at that message drove off.


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